Our actions in Tanzania
Our association is committed to the protection of children with albinism in Tanzania.
We work in partnership with The International Rotary Club, and with local associations such as PEACEMAKERS and MCC (Mennonite Central Committee
This action is held in Tanzania, and more specifically in ARUSHA in the region around the Kilimanjaro and we are financing the education of children with albinism at Mukidoma school through private donors. This school is one of the rare schools that is hosting children with albinism in Tanzania.
The association "Les Couleurs de l'Espor" - "Colors of Hope" supports PEACEMAKER for its information program on albinism delivered directly in the villages to counter the ancestral beliefs, and to avoid the abandonment of these children by the families.
Solar protections
Club Hyères
Sponsored by Atol les opriciens Atol opticians , Laboratoires Boiron and the Rotary Club of Hyères les Palmiers
Sewing workshop
Creation of a sewing workshop in Arusha run by albino mothers or with albino children. Produced in partnership with the Rotary Club of MOSHI - TZ
The purpose: to enable them to be autonomous
les couleurs de l'espoir
We learn how to sew !
les couleurs de l'espoir
5 years later ... they are autonomous!
5 years after its creation, the seamstresses manage themselves and are completely autonomous.
Book for children
Le fabuleux destin de SOUNDIATA KEITA "The fabulous Destiny" by SOUNDIATA KEITA
Tells the true story of a great African King.
It is sold for 8 € to be distributed free throughout Africa.
Its purpose: to inform about what is albinism.
Translated into English, French and Swahili.